In order to make your home be up to the most important furnishing magazine, it is necessary to make an accurate design of all details, even the smallest one. Everything has got their practical, aesthetic function.Making luxury environments requires a careful selection of furniture and complements.
Everything has to be in line with the same style, colour matchings have to be perfect as well as sizes which have to be suited to the available room.
Refined accessories such as luxury rugs give charm to the environment where they are put in. In a home environment, these elements used to be a synonym of wealth and revealed a family’s social prestige.
Enhancing your home with luxury rugs means making it a place of extraordinary beauty, your source of pride when guests are visiting you, thanks to its strong , aesthetic, emotional impact.
But a luxury rug cannot be considered as an object having a single aesthetic function. If it is chosen in a right way, it can represent the heart of the room where it is put in and can set the same style that furnishings have already created.
According to the latest design trends, at the moment the most popular luxury rugs are silky textiles, very soft to the touch, with brilliant light effects which give brightness to your home.
Among the materials that are used most, together with pure silk, we can find silky fibres of vegetal origin such as banana silk and bamboo silk. The refinement of these materials makes your environment very elegant and chic.
The rooms where we live have to satisfy our aesthetic taste, but also our need for feeling in a cosy environment: that is why it is necessary to choose carefully the style and the colours which will customize our home.
In order to discover all the secrets to furnish your home with the most beautiful luxury rugs, read our free guide!